Julong CSD SUHAIJIAN 17 ready for Haihe River


Built for the Chinese government contractor Jiangsu Haijian, the cutter suction dredger (CSD) SUHAIJIAN 17 of the Julong CSD550 series is about to begin its dredging work on the Haihe River in China.


According to the sales director Mr. John Xiang, “one series of optional devices like anchoring boom system, spud carriage system, meeting room, etc. were installed on the dredger for improving the working efficiency.”

“The CSD SUHAIJIAN 17 will help to mitigate flooding by joining this huge maintenance dredging task.”

Julong photo

Due to heavy siltation, the riverbed level increased too much in the past decade, threatening the agriculture and livestock in these areas.

“This CSD550 will join fleet to push forward with the maintenance dredging works,” said Mr. Xiang.

With a production of 4.000 m3/h and a max dredging depth of -14m, the powerful CSD will dredge the riverbed to 6-8 meters, reducing the flooding risks significantly.