Managing coastal risks in South Australia

Business & Finance

$1 million in grants is now available to help repair, restore and sustain the state’s regional coastal areas under the State Government’s Securing the future of our regional coastline initiative.

Environment SA

Director Climate Change, Coasts and Marine Neil McFarlane said that the Department for Environment and Water was working closely with South Australia’s regions to better protect the state’s amazing coastline.

“Managing and protecting South Australia’s coast is a key priority for our department as the impacts of sea level rise and coastal erosion continue to challenge our state,” Mr McFarlane said.

“These grants will help manage coastal risks and provide practical solutions, and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of these projects. We’ve seen some great projects secure funding in recent years,” Mr McFarlane added.

For example, the grants are helping Yorke Peninsula Council construct a levee to protect Port Clinton township from seawater flooding; and the District Council of Ceduna were able to repair a foreshore seawall that was damaged in storms.

Coast Protection Board Presiding Member Jeff Tate concluded that the grant funding is a much-needed investment in coastal protection in regional areas across the state.