Kettle Park sand stockpiling starts


Sand carting and stockpiling work gets underway at Kettle Park next week, Dunedin City Council said.

The work is part of a recently announced deal expected to save ratepayers more than $1 million and provide for dune restoration and beach replenishment work on the St Clair-St Kilda coast.

Over six to eight weeks, starting today, about 8500m3 of sand will be delivered from Willowridge Developments’ Ocean Heights Development site on Centre Road, Tomahawk, and stockpiled at the western end of Kettle Park.

According to the council, Willowridge Developments offered the sand to the DCC free of charge. More than 8000m3 has already been stockpiled at Tahuna Park.

The sand will be used incrementally over time for both beach erosion protection and planned remediation work for the dunes, including removing rubble from the dune system at Middle Beach, as well as to replenish the St Clair-St Kilda beaches following sand-stripping storms.