Weather delays Augustine Beach Boat Ramp dredging project

Operations & Maintenance

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control yesterday released new update on the Augustine Beach Boat Ramp maintenance dredging project.


Periodic closures of the Augustine Beach Boat Ramp near Port Penn and adjacent intertidal beach located on the south side of the existing rock groin will continue through Nov. 11 due to weather conditions delaying completion of the maintenance dredging project for the boat ramp access channel, DNREC announced.

DNREC also added that over this time period, the boat ramp will be closed from 8 a.m. each Monday until 5 p.m. each Thursday, reopening from 5 p.m. each Thursday until 8 a.m. the following Monday. The site parking lot will remain open for the duration of the dredging project.

Weather permitting, the maintenance dredging project at the Augustine Beach Boat Ramp is expected to be completed, with full access restored, by Nov. 11.