Christchurch Bay FCERM Strategy Engagement – Phase 2

Authorities & Government

BCP Council and New Forest District Council in UK are inviting local people and coastal businesses to find out more about the development of a new coastal strategy.

BCP Council

It will guide how the risks of coastal flooding and erosion may be sustainably managed for the next 100 years in Christchurch Bay, from Hengistbury Head Long Groyne to Hurst Spit, encompassing Christchurch Harbour.

The strategy is being produced jointly by both councils, working together with the Environment Agency. As well as informing how coastal communities may be protected and will also consider the effects of predicted climate change, including sea level rise and increased levels of storminess.

The second phase of public engagement events includes two face-to-face drop-in sessions, one online event hosted by Dorset Coast Forum and an online survey.

  • Monday 6 June 2022, Christchurch Library Octagon Space 10am-6pm;
  • Thursday 9 June 2022, Milford-on-Sea Village Community Centre, 10am-4pm;
  • Tuesday 14 June 2022, public on-line event (hosted by Dorset Coast Forum) 7:00pm-8:15pm;
  • Monday 23 May to Sunday 26 June 2022, Have your Say on-line.

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