Port MacDonnell dredging project entering final phase

Operations & Maintenance

Dredging works are continuing at Port MacDonnell in South Australia to improve safety and access to the harbour, boat ramp and mooring ground.

Department for Infrastructure and Transport

The project, which commenced in late March, is removing a significant accumulation of sandy materials at the harbour entrance and mooring grounds as well as a build-up of seaweed inside the harbour channel.

This will help improve productivity for local businesses and the fishing industry as well as ensuring the ongoing safe use of the harbour.

Organic materials dredged from the channel are being screened, drained, and progressively transported to the adjacent western beach, or to the local transfer station.

Since the project began, more than 37,000 cubic metres of sand and 1000 cubic metres of seaweed has been removed.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is continuing to work closely with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as the project continues, with works expected to be completed in late July 2022 (weather permitting).