VIDEO of the Port MacDonnell dredging operations

Operations & Maintenance

Dredging works are almost complete at Port MacDonnell to improve safety and access to the harbor, boat ramp and mooring ground.

Adam Williams/Maritime Constructions

The project, which commenced in late March, is removing a significant accumulation of sandy materials at the harbour entrance and mooring grounds as well as a build-up of seaweed inside the harbor channel.

According to the South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), this will help improve productivity for local businesses and the fishing industry as well as ensuring the ongoing safe use of the harbor.

Sand dredging has been almost completed with more than 68,000 cubic metres of sand removed from the harbor. About 2000 cubic metres of unconsolidated seaweed has also been removed, the department said in the update.

DIT also added that seagrass wrack removal has commenced, and organic materials dredged from the channel are being screened, drained and transferred to an area of grass directly east of the boat ramp. The area will be landscaped, with grass re-established upon completion of the project.

It is expected full access to the harbor will be available by early August and the Port MacDonnell community will see the completion of remediation works by late September (weather permitting).

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