Work to start on Mumbles’ major new sea defences

Operations & Maintenance

Construction work is due to start on Mumbles’ major new sea defences in the next few weeks, reports the Swansea Council, UK.

Swansea Council

The project, driven by Swansea Council, will help protect homes, businesses and people from rising sea levels for decades to come.

According to the Council, some of the existing defences are in a poor condition and at risk of flooding. The flood risk level is expected to increase in the future due to predicted sea level rises. A lack of action would put a number of homes and businesses at risk of flooding.

Council cabinet Andrew Stevens said: “We’re addressing the condition of the Mumbles seawall and the community’s long-term flood risk. Visual improvements will create a greener, sustainable and attractive waterfront – an asset to the local community and an attraction for visitors.”

Welsh Government Minister for Climate Change Julie James commented: “As we address the climate emergency, I am pleased to be providing Swansea Council with 85% of the funding for these works through our Coastal Risk Management Programme. Coastal communities must adapt to rising sea levels and this scheme will help do just that, by improving the flood and coastal erosion protection to around 130 properties in Mumbles.”

Work will see parts of the prom closed to the public in a phased manner throughout the work, expected to take around 18 months.