Another Ellicott 670 Dragon Dredge almost ready for action


Ellicott has just announced that the company will soon deliver a versatile Series 670 Dragon cutterhead suction dredge to a client in Maine.


The dredge – being funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, which was awarded to the York County Government – will be ready for delivery in May of 2023, the company said in the announcement.

The newbuild is typically used for medium-sized navigational projects in locations such as small ports, rivers, and inland waterway dredging project.

According to Ellicott, the dredge will be used for keeping the navigation channels open and for supplying sand to help with erosion on the beaches along the York County coast.

Several harbors and rivers along the York County coast will require maintenance dredging to ensure that the channels are navigable for both commercial and recreational purposes.