Coastal protection at Great Ocean Road wraps up


Coastal works to protect the foreshore and Great Ocean Road from further erosion are now complete at Eastern View.

DELWP BarwonSouthWest

The job included constructing a section of rock revetment at the Devil’s Elbow carpark, and rock bag protection for car parks and power poles north to the Memorial Arch.

The project is a partnership between the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change, the Department of Transport and Planning and the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority.

“The Victorian Labor Government is building the state’s resilience to climate change, and is continually improving how we plan for and adapt to rising sea levels and naturally occurring coastal erosion,” said the Government.

Coasts are dynamic environments impacted by storms that are increasing in severity and frequency.

In some locations, this erosion is occurring at a fast rate and is impacting important community assets or infrastructure.

To plan for and mitigate these impacts, authorities work together to develop Coastal Adaptation Plans in line with the Victorian Government’s Marine and Coastal Policy 2020, identifying short and long-term options to manage the impacts and protect foreshores, Crown land and critical infrastructure from storm surge, wave attack and rising sea levels.