Stage Harbor dredging project about to begin

Operations & Maintenance

Barnstable County Government has announced that mobilizing continues for the Stage Harbor Approach Channel dredging project.

Barnstable County

As reported, this will be a very large and challenging project for the County Dredge department.

“The area where the dredging takes place is south of the harbor entrance and the length of the pipe that will be used is up to 11,500 feet,” the County said. “The surface currents in this area have velocities up to 3 knots (or more with full moon tides), and the dredging is difficult due when the wind/seas pick up.”

The dredge material will be discharged at two locations with the longest distance to Cockle Cove, for which a Booster Station will be needed due to the long distance.

It is estimated that over the next few weeks, the County’s dredge Sand Shifter will remove from 15,000-20,000 CY of dredge material from the Stage Harbor Approach Channel.