Senator Carper tours Dewey Beach replenishment works


Multiple public officials made their way out to Dewey Beach to see the progress of the latest beach replenishment program.

Senator Tom Carper facebook photo

Delaware Senator Tom Carper was one of those officials who was in Dewey Beach yesterday.

During the visit, he that said that this and other beach replenishment projects along the coast are important to fight rising sea level rise.

“We’re seeing the seas rise throughout these communities and we can’t just stand back and do nothing about it,” he said.

“We have a moral obligation to take care of our planet and protect the wildlife we share it with,” he added.

“Great to discuss a recovery plan for the threatened red knot with leaders from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Delaware DNREC, American Birding Association, National Wildlife Federation, and more.”

Beach replenishment is expected to be finished right after Memorial Day, weather permitting.