Virginia International Gateway dredging project on the table

Authorities & Government

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District has received a permit application from Virginia Port Authority regarding the Virginia International Gateway terminal dredging project.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The proposed project includes a combination of a new and maintenance dredging works to deepen the port terminal area to a maximum depth of -58 feet MLLW.

According to the Corps, the applicant proposes to pump dredged materials directly from a hydraulic dredge to the upland cells at the Craney Island Dredge Material Management Area (CIDMMA).

The estimated total of 1,148,000 cubic yards of initial dredging includes approximately 200,000 cubic yards of maintenance dredging materials.

Of the new dredging, materials consist of approximately 548,000 cubic yards of silts and clays and 400,000 cubic yards of fine sand with shell fragments.

The proposed project includes future maintenance dredging cycles, on an as-needed basis, to maintain depths within the channel and basin to -58 feet MLLW. Three (3) dredging cycles are anticipated with the life of the permit.