WEDA presents Dredger on Deck Award to Wayne Kostuk


At the Western Dredging Association’s Summit & Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, WEDA’s 2023 Dredger on Deck Award was awarded to Mr. Wayne Kostuk, General Superintendent at Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. photo

Mr. Kostuk is the first recipient of this annual award, which is meant to honor on-site operating and/or supervisory personnel overseeing dredging operations. These are the people who spend much of their time on project sites, i.e., “boots on the ground or boat”.

The award recognizes their contributions toward providing value to the dredging company and community and highlights their most valuable contributions, which are delivered day after day, operationally on the water, on the deck, on the beaches and shores, in the yard, and on the fill.  

Mr. Wayne Kostuk has over 40 years of experience working on varied and complex remediation projects that began with his work as a surveyor for Sevenson on the Love Canal – the first entry on the CERCLA Superfund list – in 1980.

Following in his father and grandfather’s footsteps, Mr. Kostuk is a third-generation employee at Sevenson and was a key contributor in the transformation of Sevenson from a heavy civil contractor to a remedial contracting firm.