Relong raises the bar in Enjiang Region


The Enjiang Region in China has long been a significant source of sand production – contributing substantially to local tax revenue and providing numerous employment opportunities.

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Recently, the sand mining operations in the area have faced a persistent challenge due to a high proportion of riverbed stones, underscoring the critical importance of equipment selection.

Recognizing this challenge, Relong team conducted multiple on-site inspections and tailored solutions based on the client’s existing equipment.

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Through collaborative procurement agreements for chain-bucket dredgers and sand transport vessels, Relong significantly enhanced the equipment’s capacity and quality, making a substantial contribution to the project’s sustainable success.

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“Relong has always been dedicated to providing high-quality dredging and mining equipment, continually innovating to meet evolving market demands. The success of this project marks a significant milestone for Relong in the field, setting new industry standards,” said one of the most important manufacturer of dredging equipment in China – Relong.