Phase II of Park Way Sediment Basins about to begin

Flood Mitigation

The Coconino County Flood Control District (FCD), in support of the City of Flagstaff’s Spruce Wash flood mitigation efforts, will soon begin work on Phase II of the Park Way Sediment Basins.

Flagstaff City Government photo

In Phase I of the project, the furthest downstream of three sediment basins was constructed in the summer of 2023. During Phase II of the project, the remaining two basins will be constructed.

The basins will be located just upstream of the Linda Vista Avenue Spruce Wash crossing and northwest of E. Park Way. 

The project is funded by the FCD and will be constructed by Kinney Construction Services (KCS).

Phase II of the works will begin this week with survey crews laying out construction staking. The program is scheduled to be completed by Dec. 31, 2023 (weather permitting).

The basins are the last element in a series of projects undertaken by the FCD both on- and off-forest to mitigate flooding from the Museum Fire burn scar within the County and the City of Flagstaff.