Canton Beach sandstone wall upgrades on the way

Breakwater Construction

Canton Beach sandstone log restoration works and upgrades will begin Thursday, 15 February, to restore and enhance the usability of the beach, improve safety, and help prevent erosion, Central Coast Council said. photo

Council has received $256,000 from the Australian and NSW Governments as part of the Local Government Recovery Grants Program, under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements to help restore areas affected by storm and flood events in 2022.

After an east coast low event in March 2022 Tuggerah lakes saw levels rise above the top of the existing wall which caused erosion and pushed the sandstone logs to rotate seaward.

Thanks to the funding from the Australian and NSW Government we will be able to reinstate and increase the height of the sandstone log wall and improve drainage behind the wall to help it withstand future weather events,” said the council.

The full list of works include: 

  • Increasing the height of the wall and placing a stepped finish to help prevent erosions and subsidence, and support access to the beach,
  • New drainage works to be installed behind the wall. Sand nourishment works – additional sand will be placed along the beach to help mitigate erosion,
  • Supply and install turf as required along the back of the sandstone wall. 

Construction is anticipated to take eight weeks with minimal impacts to the community, said the council.