Ponte Vedra Beach Restoration about to begin

Beach Nourishment

St. Johns County will begin the $38.6 million Ponte Vedra Beach Restoration Project in March.

Weeks photo

The project is set to restore storm-damaged dunes and berms, providing storm protection to upland infrastructure with more than 2 million cubic yards of sand dredged in for the ocean.

Also, the work will create additional environmental habitat for wildlife and enhance the recreational value of the beach. 

The Ponte Vedra Beach Restoration Project will cost about $38.6 million, approximately $30.6 million of which has come from state legislative funding and grants.

The remaining amount is being funded through County matching requirements and funding set aside from previous Board actions for this project.

The program, to be conducted by Weeks Marine, will provide substantial coastline fortifications, including dune reconstruction between 13 and 18 feet, beach berm elevation of eight feet, and beach width increase of 40 to 180 feet post-construction.