BREAKING NEWS: Boskalis’ job on Gulhifalhu dredging project nears end


The Gulhifalhu dredging project in the Maldives is expected to reach completion within the upcoming month, said Construction Minister Dr. Abdulla Mutthalib.

photo by Minister Muthalib’s Office

In a press briefing yesterday, the Minister said that 127.9 hectares (out of 150 hectares) of land had been reclaimed at Gulhifalhu – as of the start of this week.

The second phase of this capital dredging project, conducted by Boskalis under the EUR118 million contract, started in July last year, during the administration of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

The land reclamation operations are set to be completed in the following weeks, and the installation of rock boulders around the coastline will begin in April.

According to the Minister, this work will be done in six months.