Brazil launches bidding notice for Port of Ilhéus dredging

Business development

Ministério de Portos e Aeroportos has published a bidding notice for the dredging and maintenance services in various areas of the Organized Port of Ilhéus, with an estimated value of R$27 million ($5.2 million).

photo courtesy of CODEBA

The Port of Ilhéus has a deep-rooted connection with the city. We completed a renovation in the previous notice, including maintenance dredging, which is crucial,” said CODEBA’s president director, Antonio Gobbo.

“We took over, gathered all the documentation, and replanned. We even had to request a budget supplement, with the support of the Minister of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa Filho. These interventions will enhance the port’s competitiveness, which is excellent news for Ilhéus, the region, and all of Bahia.”

The opening of proposals and the bidding session are scheduled for May 13th.