USACE, VPA spearhead major Atlantic Ocean Channel Deepening

Beach Nourishment

The USACE Norfolk District, Virginia Port Authority (VPA) and City of Virginia Beach broke ground during a ceremony for the commencement of the Atlantic Ocean Channel Phase II on April 25, celebrating the commencement of construction for the final Norfolk Harbor Deepening contract along with the upcoming beach nourishment projects at Resort and Croatan Beaches in Virginia Beach.

U.S. Army Photo by Alysia Rigano

The Atlantic Ocean Channel Phase II will involve deepening the channel to a minimum depth of 59 feet and beneficially using a portion of the dredge material for beach nourishment in Virginia Beach.

Channel deepening is set to provide economic benefits to the Port of Virginia, the region and the Nation by enabling more efficient movement of commodities.

According to USACE, the channels will be deepened to a minimum 55 feet depth for use by deeply laden ultra-large container vessels and large colliers calling on the Port of Virginia.

Also, beneficial placement of dredged material will provide storm risk management benefits for the citizens and businesses of Virginia Beach through the upcoming beach nourishment projects at Resort and Croatan Beaches.

Completion of the full Norfolk Harbor navigation-improvement project is expected around 2025, said USACE.