The Broads Authority: New pump to enhance dredging operations

Flood Mitigation

The Broads Authority has been awarded a DEFRA grant of £500,000, to be allocated equally between budget support and capital equipment for the navigation.

photo courtesy of The Broads Society

Key highlights:

  • A powerful pump costing £173,000 will enhance dredging operations, essential for maintaining the Broads’ navigation,
  • Safety and Maintenance: Funds will go towards a new patrol launch and vehicles for Broads Rangers.

Earlier this month, we rallied at Acle Bridge under the banner “Fund Britain’s Waterways.” This national campaign, organised by the Inland Waterways Association, led to a petition to the government, highlighting the importance of our beloved waterways,” said The Broads Society.

Traditionally, the navigation maintenance has been funded entirely by tolls.

This grant, the result of government lobbying by the Broads Authority and fully supported by the Broads Society, acknowledges that the waterways are cherished by ramblers, naturalists, anglers, photographers, and many others who love the landscape,” added The Broads Society.