Wollongong: Study of options to manage lake’s entrance erosion

Coastal Protection

Wollongong City Council and Shellharbour City Council are working collaboratively with the NSW Government to assess options for the entrance channel of Lake Illawarra.

photo courtesy of wollongong.nsw.gov.au

The project, called the Lake Illawarra Entrance Options Study, is looking at options to manage erosion that has occurred since Lake Illawarra was manually opened.

It is being undertaken by experts from the University of NSW Water Research Laboratory.

While the issues around water quality, odour and algal blooms have greatly improved, the Lake Illawarra Authority decision has seen unintended changes like foreshore erosion, particularly along the Windang foreshore; an increasing tidal range; the undermining of built assets; and the degradation of key seagrass and saltmarsh habitats,” said Wollongong City Council Lord Mayor Councillor, Gordon Bradbery.

“The Lake Illawarra entrance channel has not reached a balanced state, meaning it will continue to erode the Windang side of the entrance. In fact, Swansea Channel in Lake Macquarie still hasn’t reached equilibrium 120 years after it was opened and has similarly suffered loss of infrastructure and significant erosion along its shoreline.”

Later this year, the community will be invited to provide further feedback on a shortlist of management options.