VIDEO: Hastings’ Remarks on H.R. 3080 (USA)

Hastings' Remarks on H.R. 3080

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) made the following statement on the House floor on Wednesday in support of H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013.

The bill, though far from perfect, is long overdue. There is a lot of go-nowhere, do-nothing talk about creating jobs here on the Hill, but this bill, like the highway bill and the farm bill, will actually create jobs.

“The bill also reinforces a point that I have been making for some time, and that is: repairing our Nation’s aging infrastructure, including our water infrastructure, is the best jobs program out there. The resulting economic benefits will ripple from our ports to Main Street America as badly needed jobs across a wide range of industries. For example, every dollar spent on Everglades restoration, like the ones authorized here, is returned fourfold by stimulating related industries like tourism, construction, and retail.”


Press Release, October 25, 2013