Australia: IPCC Report Paints Sad Picture for GBR Future, Greens Say

Business & Finance

IPCC Report Paints Sad Picture for GBR Future, Greens Say

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report finds the Great Barrier Reef will suffer irreversible damage from coral bleaching and ocean acidification.

Today’s report confirms that the very future of our iconic Great Barrier Reef is at stake,” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens environment spokesperson, said.

Climate change of even 2 degrees of additional warming threatens the existence of this biodiverse wonderland which so inspires our hearts and fills our coffers.

“Without urgent change, under all current climate projections, degradation to the Great Barrier Reef will impact upon its tourism industry, which 63 000 people rely on for their jobs.

“Yet the climate-denying Abbott and Newman governments are gung ho about digging up hundreds of mega tonnes of coal from the Galilee Basin and shipping it out through the Great Barrier Reef.

“The IPCC report really highlights the sad irony of the Reef becoming a shipping super highway for coal.

“Not only will the Reef feel the direct impacts of dredging, dumping and shipping but the masses of coal exported will exacerbate coral bleaching and ocean acidification.”


Press Release, March 31, 2014