Australian Musicians Lend Support for GBR Protection

Business & Finance

Australian Musicians Lend Support for GBR Protection

Australian musical icons including John Butler, the Cat Empire and Missy Higgins have shown their support for the Great Barrier Reef by contributing to the Sounds for the Reef album.

Twenty-one local artists having written and contributed songs, with proceeds from sales going to fund Fight for the Reef’s contribution to legal action against dredging and dumping in the Reef’s waters.

Australian Marine Conservation Society, Great Barrier Reef campaign director, Felicity Wishart, said musicians were adding their voices to the choir of local communities, scientists and tourism operators who wanted strong protection of the Reef.

“The artists of Sounds for the Reef have created a beautiful way of connecting everyone with the plight of the Reef and inviting them to take action for its protection,” Ms Wishart said today.

People from all walks of life from around Australia and the world are concerned about the future of the Reef and want something done about it.”

WWF-Australia campaign director, Richard Leck, said the artist support came at a critical time for the Reef.

The sales of this album will support legal action that will argue Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt failed in his obligation to protect the environment, by approving the dredging and expansion of the Abbot Point coal terminal,” Mr Leck said.

“We are at a crossroads for this natural icon. The decisions being made today will decide if we have a healthy Reef in the future, or face its ruin.”


Press Release, April 7, 2014