Preparations for Medway Scheme Underway

The Environment Agency is developing the Medway Estuary and Swale Coastal Flood Risk Strategy which will consider how flood risk is managed over the next 100 years in the Medway Estuary, Medway Towns to Stoke, Sittingbourne, Conyer, Faversham and the Isle of Sheppey.

Some areas around Swale and the Medway Estuary are low-lying areas and at real risk.

Due to aging flood defenses, rising sea levels and climate change this will increase in the next 100 years with approximately 18,000 properties at an increased risk of tidal flooding.

The strategy will consider:

  • the type and line of defense;
  • its standard of protection;
  • its future maintenance regime.

The Environment Agency will be working with partners, such as developers, major industry and local councils to develop a long-term funding strategy for both construction and maintenance of defenses.

The Medway Estuary and Swale Coastal Flood Risk Strategy will protect people and properties, designated habitat and agricultural land.

As with all flood risk management work, the wider impacts must be considered. This means that the best technical solution for flood defenses need to be found, while also considering the impacts and benefits for local communities, the environment and the cost to the tax payer.

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